Esperanza has been overcast for the last few days. The dark, sun-blocking clouds and the stormish winds have been my daily miracles. And finally, FINALLY it rained this week! For the first time since I got here in April! It was glorious :)
We had a great P Day hike today which featured grown women hitting on the elders, lots of lizards, thoughts of hitchiking, a wide variety of beautiful island flowers, and a small waterfall which we all took turns showering under (minus the shampoo and whatnot of course). It was pure, cool mountain water and never has anything else been SO refreshing. See the pictures.

Other highlights of the weekÑ playing domino with some old men at a nursing home, inventing mango cream french toast, our pancake date with Marianny, seeing the evidence of the miracle that was the non-burning of the Elders´ apartment. The apartment next door was incinerated completely. The Elders´apartment had a slightly singed door. That´s all. MIRACLE.

Hermana Blanch and I spent a lot of time talking this week about how you can be happy in all situations. It is amazing that most often we look back on embarassing moments, failures, and general hard times with fondness or with the ability to laugh about it. That makes me feel confident that even in the present I can learn to enjoy whatever it is that may beset me. And no matter where you are or what you are doing, there are so many miracles of God to be admired, appreciated, and given thanks for. Life is splendid, thanks to Him.
Have a great week,
Hermana Anderson
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