I could tell you about the baptism we had this weekend. I could tell you about a crazy man we met who taught us some new "doctrine". I could tell you about a host of fabulous meetings we´ve had or about the PERFECT family we are teaching. But I´d rather just tell you about how I ate the best mango in the world. Words cannot describe this mango. It was beyond juicy. More than succulent. Above and beyond delectable. Ah the ecstasy! The best part is that this mango was one of about 30 or 40 mangos that someone gave to us. I spent the last 30 minutes peeling and blending and juicing them all and now there is a FULL pitcher of mango puree chilling in the fridge waiting for me to come home after a hot day of Dominican sun. Oh the tender mercies of the Lord!!!
I decided I will also tell you about the baptism. Winiffer is 16 and incredible! She has taken it upon herself to learn everything possible about the church and is doing quite a great job. She has a super fun family and I love them all. I think they´ll one day follow her example.
The crazy guy is named Felipe Antonio. He is the neighbor of someone we´re teaching and has taken to sitting in the lessons with us. Apparently he is a member, as he told me that yes, he was indeed baptized "mormonically". He also told me that the apostasy was "after Jesus, then Joseph Smith and all the children of God dominated the earth" and that one of the two personages that appeared to Joseph was Mosiah. And in Sunday School he repeatedly referred to the prophet as "Joseph Smith Washington" haha. He is making everything more interesting!
The Familia Guzman is PERFECT. The family that every missionary wishes they were teaching! They are on the road to baptism. Please include them in your prayers.
Other highlights:
Wheelchair racing in Navarrette
A WHOLE PLATE of fritos for dinner!
Free milk, eggs, bananas, and mangos this week
Riding in a MARGARITA (it was like being on a Dominican Disneyworld ride!)
Making El Salvador Empanadas for the Zone :)

This week try to reflect the love of the Savior by serving those you live with! Put them before yourself and you will see a marvelous change!
Hermana Anderson
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