Apparently "the first rains" are always supposed to come to Esperanza in May. Well, the rain clouds blew by us in May and have now decided to dump some serious downpourage on us in June. The Elders showed up to a meeting yesterday SOAKED. Imagine that movie scene where someone bursts through the door and all of a sudden the floor is covered in rainwaiter that is streaming off their face and their clothes look three sizes too big from being so drenched with water. Yep. That was them. Hermana Blanch and I have become very good at employing garbage bags as impromptu rain ponchos. I had a white one on the other day and it was pointy at the top of my head. My first thought was "KKK" but all the Dominicans who saw me said, "Ah, la virgin Maria" with a happy smile. Talk about a culture difference, haha.
In other news we had a ward conference which was ill-fatedly planned for Mother´s Day. In this country, Mother´s Day is almost like Thanksgiving. EVERYONE leaves town to go to their mom´s house or to the cemetery. Translation: nobody came to the conference. But other than the low attendance, it was a nice service.

Two great successes of the week: we climbed a really cool tower! AND I made a squash brownie (almost like pumpkin cake) and a member was eating it and when he found out what it was made of he said, "This is made from squash?! And it actually tastes this GOOD?!?!?!?"
Just a reminder to you all that the small in simple things are how God works His miracles. You may not be able to see them developing along the way, but small, consistent acts of faith are what propel the work forward every moment of every day. Keep up the small and simple things.
Hermana Anderson
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