It is a bit difficult to remember much of what happened this week because my mind is full of turquoise and white foam water washing up onto soft sandy shores. My throughts are jumbled up with palm trees and forested paths with tropical flowers and thick, humid air amidst the cloudy summit of the teleferico. We just got back from Puerto Plata and it was GREAT. This island has never ending beauty. My pictures don´t cut it. (though I still recommend taking a look.) We took the cable car up to the highest summit in Puerto Plata to see the city and enjoy the fresh green forest. We were IN a cloud almost the entire time. Then we enjoyed a very quiet beach. I cannot wait to be able to SWIM in these Caribbean waters!

As we walked the shore and looked on at all the vacationers it made me think of peace. The world would tell us that peace is sun bathing on a beautiful lounge bed with a canopy of palms next to the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean--free from work, responsibility, and cares. I would agree that that is peaceful. But I think true peace cannot be achieved by those things alone. If that is how you chase peace, you will never ever catch it. True peace comes from being close to God and feeling that He is pleased with you. We feel that peace through the Holy Ghost that He sends to us. It is a confirmation of His love amidst times of hard work, burdensome responsibilities, and the frenzied cares of the world. Perhaps one of the greatest promises given to us in mortality was one spoken by Jesus to His apostles, "Peace leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled." (John 14;27)

May each of you feel more and more of the peace the Savior promises you in your lives.
Hermana Anderson
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