Julian got baptized! It took him a while to muster up the level of commitment he needed but he pulled through and you can tell how much he LOVES the gospel and how happy it makes him.

We are always on the run. Life moves crazy fast some days here. I don´t know if I´ll be able to accurately portray the hilarity of our almost-missing-the-guagua story, but I´ll try to sum it up. If you wanna catch a guagua (bus) you have to be waiting on the side of the road right when it passes. There are no stops. We wanted to catch the latest guagua possible (risky) and we were told it´d pàss between 6:30 and 7. Well at 6:30 we are totally loaded down with overnight bags, backpacks of scriptures, cases of food, and boxes for mailing as we´re speed walking toward the main road to catch the guagua. We are almost there when we see the guagua approaching. We both break into a run and I was shouting likea maniac "LA GUAGUA!!!!! LA GUAGUA!!!!" we didn´t make it, but I did manage to almost get hit boy four motorcycles trying to chase it in the street (don´t worry mom, it wasn´t THAT close of a call. Totally fine!) and then we sat on the curb like hobos hoping there was another guagua. Luckily there was and we scurried on in a very discombobulated fashion very content with ourselves despite having missed the first guagua.

Today we spent the morning at the beach. See photos. Remember the commandment "thou shalt not covet" too. Don´t worry, we can go to the DR together sometime! I´ll be your personal tour guide and it´ll be great.

The Lord loves you and looks out for you. Never forget it! And never forget to tell other people the same!
Hermana Anderson
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