For some reason as I sat down to write this update, the words of the song Tonight Tonight came into my head because it starts out "It´s been a really, really messed up week..." which is weird because that is not at all how I would describe the week. It´s been a really, really rainy week! Why? Cyclones!!! So as I said last week, we did evade the first one (Dan) BUT THEN there was a surprise. Hurricane Erica! Seriously, I had no idea becuase I HAVE NO ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY. But yeah it hit the south of the country kind of bad, but here it was just like an April shower all day long. So I can technically say that I proselyted in a hurricane :) Don´t worry mom, it was totally safe. Supposedly there is another one? Could be happening right now actually because it is POURING RAIN and thundering a bunch. Thank goodness we got to the internet center first! Tender mercies, my friends, tender mercies.

As missionaries we have little goals we make and try to complete every day. For example, we try to have a certain number of lessons taught with a member of the church present and a certain number taught without a member present. Well, Hermana Reyes and I have determined that we need a new goal category "lessons with Oscar" because he goes out with us all the time! We´re just walking down the street and he sees us and he´s like "hey wait a sec!" and then he trots to catch up with us and he walks with us from house to house for hours. Did I mention that Oscar is a dog? The most missionary dog the world has ever known! I think we´re going to have to make him a missionary tag...

Today we enjoyed P Day at a waterfall in Jarabacoa. Jarabacoa is this mountain town that reminds me of Utah ski towns in a way. Just mix the loggy feel with tropical vegetation and you´ve got it. I think in my dominican vacation home fantasies I would live there. Anyone thinking about a DR vacation should totally check it out!
Other highlights from this week were
Seeing a toad as big a navel orange
Giving my first sacrament meeting talk since my farewell (dont know how I managed to fly under the radar for so long)
Getting mail
Not getting really sick after proselyting in a hurricane! MIRACLES!
Have a great week!
Hermana Anderson
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