Highlights fromthis week
-Morning runs through the banana fields and rice plantations

-Finding lizards in the lovely apartment (it is really lovely) every night when we come home
-Taking out all the youth preparing for their missions to do visits with us
-Making a lemon cake in the most....special....oven of all times. See the pictures for that one
-Interviews with President Douglas
-Washing my hair in the outdoor sink because the water wouldn´t come all the way up to the second floor
-Preparing Ramon for his baptism on Saturday
I am loving missionary work here in Esperanza. I hope you all at home are enjoying whatever life is bringing you right now. I learned this week that all of us have to go through rough patches. They are ppart of life. But the rough patches help us know ourselves better and they allow us to humble ourselves and rely on the Savior. That´s where His enabling power comes in and we begin to grow. It is a miracle.
Have a great week!
Hermana Anderson
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