Semana Santa was lovely here in the DR. We got to eat lots of yummy habichuelas con dulce. What is that? It is a bean beverage! Pinto beans cooked, liquified, and boiled with evaporated milk, sugar, cinnamon, raisins, and then topped with little cookies that taste of animal crackers. SErved hot or chilled, it is delicious. I do not know why it is associated with this week, but EVERYONE cooks an ENORMOUS batch. I helped a member cook some and I felt like a witch stirring her brew because of the enormity of the cauldron--I mean pot.
General Conference was incredible. If you didn´t get to catch all of the sessions, go online and watch what you missed! Every talk was incredible! I loved the focus on the family. And the hammering they gave on cell phones in sacrament. Not cool, guys. One of my favorites was the story of the two brothers who went hiking (from Elder Holland) and how he related their miraculous story to the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that He is here to rescue us from our failures and our falls and that His hands are always extended to us.
I have been transferred! Talk about a surprise! It was really sad to say goodbye to my loved ones in Tierra Alta. I can´t imagine having to say goodbye to this country in December. Can´t handle the thought. And I was super sad to leave my hija, Hermana Funes. We had so much fun together! But I am also thrilled to be in Esperanza. It´s a lot like Bonao, much more campo (countryside). I love it! My companion is Hermana Blanch, she is from Misouri and we have already hit it off. I feel great about this change.
I love you all and beg your pardon because I forgot my camera. Next week I will send pictures!
Hermana Anderson