Anthony in his Carnaval costume |
This week was an exciting one for me as far as study goals go. I
finished reading the Bible Dictionary, the General Conference Addresses, the
talks from our Santiago Mission Folder, and el Libro de Mormon--all within a
few days of each other! Now I´m not exactly sure where to start my studies,
haha. But I just wanted to share my testimony of the Book of Mormon. It is the
word of God--no matter what language it´s written in. I know that to be true
and I know that all who read it with a sincere interest to know of its truth
will receive a spiritual witness of the truth of the Book of Mormon for
Miracle: one investigator we´ve been teaching a lot is Junior. He is one
of my absolute favorite people I have taught and I have never wanted to badly
for anyone to have the gospel as I have wanted it for him. Was that bad
grammar? I apologize if so! Hopefully I´m semi-comprehensible. Anyway, for
almost a week we felt like he was avoiding us and I was heartbroken. He didn´t
answer or return our calls, he seemed to have left his house just as we were
arriving. I was discouraged and frustrated. But during a fast, I included him
in my prayers and that very night, he answered the phone and came to have a
lesson with us! God answers prayers, everybody. I promise you that!
Funny story: Hermana Funes and I are walking down the street and a guy
stops us to talk to us. This is how I think the conversation goes:
I'm an Ice Creamaholic |
Guy: Hi, I´m Colic!
Me: Nice to meet you!
Guy: I´m Colic!
Me(a little confused): Colic is your name?
Guy: Luis
I´m thinking, "if his name is Luis, then what is a colic?"
He keeps talking to us and saying all sorts of lunacies. My companion is
frozen in awe-disgust at my side. Finally I just say "Nice talking to you,
bye!" And we walk away. I ask my companion why she just stood there and
she asks me, "why did you say ´nice to meet you?¨´ Apparently this is how
the conversation actually went:
Guy: Hi, I´m alcoholic!
Me: Nice to meet you!
Guy: I´m alcoholic!
Me: Your name is colic?
You get the idea....In my defense, drunk Dominican Spanish is veeeery
difficult to understand, haha.
Hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy the pictures
Love you very much,
Hermana Anderson
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