This week has been good! I am loving Hermana Funes and feel blessed to have such a strong companion--I can´t believe that she´s only been a full-time missionary for a few weeks!
One funny story from this week was with Brett. He´s a member´s son and is 3 years old and too cute. He was telling us a story about Nephi with some pictures and when he finished I asked him if he could tell us the Joseph Smith story.
"Do you know who Joseph Smith is?"
"What did he do?"

Brett paused for a moment and then exclaimed "He found the thing!"
"What thing, Brett?"
"THE BOOK!" he shouted in frustration hahaha. It was pretty funny.

I´ve been thinking about the part of the Book of Mormon where Moroni asks "Have miracles ceased?" And goes on to tell us that no, miracles have not ceased. And IF the miracles have ceased it is because of the unbelief of the people. I would assert that it is also because we are being lazy and forgetful. Every night when I go to write in my miracle journal I think of at least one small miracle that happened throughout the day. Some days they don´t really feel like miracles. But today I was reflecting on our week and I felt like it was FULL of miracles. I just wasn´t seeing with my eyes all the way open, if that makes sense. There ARE miracles EVERY DAY in our lives. We have to look for them. We have to thank the Lord for them. Miracles have not ceased among the children of men!
May the Lord bless you to see the many miracles in your life!
With all my love,
Hermana Anderson
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