This week was my first week as a trainer and it went very well, mostly because my "hija" is a pro. She is hard-working, patient with my Spanish, incredibly comfortable in the lessons, and a very good teacher. I couldn't have asked for a better companion. And I will have her as a companion for at least 12 weeks! A new record!
One funny thing that happened this week: we were walking around, trying to find an address (more difficult than you would think in this country) and we stopped in front of two men to ask directions. One of the men was Dominican and one was an old Canadian man who appeared to have suffered from a stroke or some sort of trauma that caused him to be a little wack-o. He didn't even notice us there, but the Dominican guy was like, "look, she's American, and you're Canadian!" And he turned around and began to say very slowly with long pauses between each word "Ohhhh....yes.....American. You treat......her her......your.....future.....wife." We left before we got the directions from them haha.
I've been reading the General Conference Lianhona and I love it! I especially enjoyed re reading President Uchtdorf's talk about light and truth. Another favorite has been the one by President Eyring from the Priesthood session. He talked about teaching by trusting which I thought was an interesting concept. We teach most efficiently as we confide and trust in those we are teaching. We give them responsibility and show that we believe in them by doing so and this gives them confidence and power. I think this doctrine applies not only to the priesthood, but to every teaching situation in life. If you want to teach someone, trust them with something.
I hope you all have a great week!