It´s been another great week in La Vega, full of lots of travel! I got to go visit Bonao and say good bye to my family there. It was absolutely wonderful. I also got to go to Constanza and do intercambios with Hermana Blanch and her new companion. Hermana Blanch and I went out running in the morning (just like old times "nostalgic sigh") and we were trying to be adventurous as we trotted along, so what was originially a short jog turned into the Constanza 5K. But it was very scenic so that was good.
One of the greatest things from this week: seeing how how my talents can bless others. Twice this week I felt that I was simply in the right place at the right time and that someone´s life was blessed by the
simple help that I was able to offer. For example, we were on a bus and I overheard some people trying to tell the chauffer where to get off and it sounded like they didn´t understand each other so I asked "Do you speak English?" and I was able to translate and help them get off at the right place. On Sunday there was a choir practice and I went with the intention of singing in the choir but ended up volunteering my piano talents (though limited) and helping everyone learn their parts and accompanying for the rehearsal. I felt so grateful in both circumstances for all of the practices and moments in my life that allowed me to be capable of helping. It felt so gratifying! So here´s a big thank you to parents who encouraged a very stubborn teenager to stick with piano and to the teachers who patiently taught me and to the Spanish teachers over the years who sought to open doors through language for me and my classmates. I owe it all to you guys!

I have finally been able to upload pictures, so check them out! Highlights:
-Bonao reunion (and rainbow!)
-yummy food I have made and/or eaten
-a kitten that perched on my shoulder for an entire lesson
-a Book of Mormon that´s much older than I am!
Oh, this week I am ponderizing D&C 67:2, look it up!
Hermana Anderson