Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28th

This week went by really fast! I am not even sure what to talk about actually. Well, I will start with the scripture I am meditizando (ponderizing). D&C 82: "For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation." I feel so so so so blessed to be someone unto whom much has been given. I was blessed to be born in a wonderful country, into a loving and happy family, and within the covenant of eternal marriage. I have been given MUCH--and the grandest of all of the things I have received is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. According to this scripture then, I am expected to do grand things with this grand gift. It is a great reminder to me that as I receive more and more from God I also become more and more accountable unto Him.

WE MOVED. That was the big thing this week. So I sort of neglected to mention that since I have moved to La Vega we have had running water about 5 percent of the time. It has been uncomfortable to say the least (but on the bright side I have learned to become VERY resourceful and will be really good at camping trips from now on). But let me just revel in the glory of our new apartment for a minute. Not only does it have running water ALL the time, it also has HOT running water. I think I might have to bathe myself 5 times a day just for the joy of it! It is a lovely apartment and I am so happy to be there. My apartment at BYU won´t be nearly as nice as this one. To celebrate the new house I made some M&M cookies with the candy mom sent. They were a hit with everyone, mom THANKS!

Hey I love you guys all so much and I want you to know that I feel SO honored to be a missionary. I love this work.
Hermana Anderson

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21st

It´s been another great week in La Vega, full of lots of travel! I got to go visit Bonao and say good bye to my family there. It was absolutely wonderful. I also got to go to Constanza and do intercambios with Hermana Blanch and her new companion. Hermana Blanch and I went out running in the morning (just like old times "nostalgic sigh") and we were trying to be adventurous as we trotted along, so what was originially a short jog turned into the Constanza 5K. But it was very scenic so that was good.

One of the greatest things from this week: seeing how how my talents can bless others. Twice this week I felt that I was simply in the right place at the right time and that someone´s life was blessed by the
simple help that I was able to offer. For example, we were on a bus and I overheard some people trying to tell the chauffer where to get off and it sounded like they didn´t understand each other so I asked "Do you speak English?" and I was able to translate and help them get off at the right place. On Sunday there was a choir practice and I went with the intention of singing in the choir but ended up volunteering my piano talents (though limited) and helping everyone learn their parts and accompanying for the rehearsal. I felt so grateful in both circumstances for all of the practices and moments in my life that allowed me to be capable of helping. It felt so gratifying! So here´s a big thank you to parents who encouraged a very stubborn teenager to stick with piano and to the teachers who patiently taught me and to the Spanish teachers over the years who sought to open doors through language for me and my classmates. I owe it all to you guys!
I have finally been able to upload pictures, so check them out! Highlights:
-Bonao reunion (and rainbow!)
-yummy food I have made and/or eaten
-a kitten that perched on my shoulder for an entire lesson
-a Book of Mormon that´s much older than I am! 

Oh, this week I am ponderizing D&C 67:2, look it up!

Hermana Anderson 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14th

This week´s scripture is Doctrine and Covenants 50:34 "He that receiveth of God, let him aaccount it of God; and let him rejoice that he is accounted of God worthy to receive." I love this verse so much. It teaches so many principles! We need to recognize that all things we receive truly do come from God and we need to THANK Him. We also need to feel thankful that we acted in a manner worthy to receive. That means that we also need to be constantly living in such a way that we are worthy to receive more! God wants to give us blessing after blessing, so be sure to live worthy of them and make certain that you rejoice as you recognize His hand in your life.

What scripture are you ponderizing this week?

Funny story from this week. So in the DR it is very very common for everyone´s name to NOT be their actual name. You meet them and they tell you their name is "Dulce" but then you find out later that their name is "Carmen Altagracia Rosario Jimenez" and that Dulce is just what everyone calls her. Such is the case with a man we are teaching named Moreno. Or I guess I could better say that he is CALLED Moreno. We wanted to know his real name so we determined we´d ask in the next lesson. We got there and only his wife was home and we sat on the porch, and I watched in horror as three boys swam, submerging their faces and everything, in the filthy canal water. I don´t even want to go into what sort of waste lurks beneath the surface of that water. Apparently I was so engrossed in this horrifying scene that I completely missed the conversation going on right next to me. My companion asked what Moreno´s real name was and they continued to have a conversation about how Moreno´s real name is Luis Alberto and how all of her sons are Jose Luis and Juan Luis and Carlos Luis so that they all have the name of their dad. That conversation was allllllll about Moreno´s name. They must have repeated it a million times. And when they stopped talking I focused back in and we were about to start the lesson and I said abruptly, "Wait! Before we start! What´s Moreno´s real name?" My companion looked at me with a face that said "Is she being serious?" And when she realized I was, she burst into laughter. Upon seeing my confusion, she explained that they had just discussed that for 5 minutes and then I stupidly repeated the question as if the conversation never happened! Lesson to all: don´t let your children swim in filthy canals.

Have a great week!
Hermana Anderson
(sorry no pictures, they won´t upload)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7th

So how was your GENERAL CONFERENCE experience??? Didn't get to see it? No worries, you can check it out here:
You will love it, I promise! My General Conference experience was wonderful. I testify that when we go to the Lord with questions, sincerely seeking answers, with real intent to act according to His will, he sends us personal revelation. It is so marvelous to me that God sends these revelations through prophets. Even though these inspired men are speaking to all the world, I know that at the same time their words move the Spirit to reveal wisdom to me personally. I know that it is just one of the many ways that God speaks directly to me. 

I especially enjoyed the talk about Ponderizing scriptures! What's your scripture this week? Mine is Doctrine and Covenants 24:8. Tell me about yours!

Apart from the spiritual feast that was General Conference, this week was great and full of...animals. From a kitten that followed us around to a puppy that fit in my palm to a milipede that was as thick as my thumb and as long as my forearm (not exaggerating). Lots of critters! 

Have a great week and keep reviewing and watching and ponder(iz)ing the messages of the Lord's servants!

Hermana Anderson

Thursday, October 1, 2015

September 30th

How many sister missionaries does it take to kill a cockroach? The answer is four. Four sister missionaries and a bugspray, and an automatic-lighter-flame-torch, and a flip flop, and more bug spray, and the pole of a mop. Don't worry though, after much squealing and squirming and creativity we finally got the not-so-little bugger.

Who's pumped for General Conference??? I AM. Don't know what General Conference is? Watch it! Here: at that website you can see the session for Women and this Saturday and Sunday you can watch the following sessions in which the PROPHET and his 12 apostles (3 new ones!!!!!) will address us with inspired messages to draw us closer to Christ. I hope to hear about all of your favorite messages next week.

Please enjoy the pictures from this week. Especially the one that features three girls showering with rainwater that is draining from their roof (it was quite practical since running water is scanty). There are great pictures of our carwash (except no one has cars here so it was a motorcycle wash) and also of our faces when someone served us pears and grapes after a lesson (that is the ROYAL treatment).

Love you all!
Have a great week
Hermana Anderson